Episode 49

Published on:

15th May 2020

My Bible Study Genesis Chapter 12

My Bible Study Genesis Chapter 12

God’s Calling of Abram – and How He Calls Us

We can learn a great deal about God’s call as we consider Abraham’s call. Abraham is a central figure in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. In the book of Genesis, his life spans twelve chapters. He is called a friend of God three times in the Bible (2 Chron 20:7; Isa 41:8; James 2:23), and he is referred to four times in the New Testament (Romans, Galatians, Hebrews, and James). He is called the father of all those who believe (Gal 3:7), and he is considered the founder of three religions: Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

Now, I have numerous versions of the Bible in my study. My first 20 years in ministry, I bought a different version of the Bible and read it through at least once every year. That does not even count the 6 bookshelves full of reference material. My grandson once asked me, he said, “Papa, have you actually read all of those books?”  I laughed…and said, “At least once. Most I’ve read several times.”  And many I use as reference material for my teachings, Amen! 

Abraham’s call was very special. God called him out of a rebellious world to be a conduit for salvation. He is a pivotal character in redemptive history. Actually, God is using the lineage of Shem, through Abraham, to bring Jesus into this world. As we study Abraham, we will learn a great deal about living a life of faith. But, specifically in this passage, we learn about God’s calling and how it can apply to us today as well.

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About the Podcast

My Bible Study
Verse by Verse Through The Bible
This has been a project I have been contemplating for a long time.

Join me in walking through the Bible on our personal Bible study - one verse at at time. There is no "preaching" here. Just simple scripture reading with brief explanations and examples of what the scripture mean.

I was inspired to do this project based upon the program "Through The Bible" with Dr. Jay Veron McGee (who is passed on to be with the Lord for several years now). When I first started to study the Bible, his radio program helped me immensely. It took Dr. McGee 5 years to do a complete Bible Study.

I do not know how long it will take us. But you can start listening at anytime. As I continue to add more episodes, you can join us at the most recent program or start at the beginning. Each episode is labeled as to the scriptures we are going to discuss.

I am so blessed you are here and I pray you will get a huge blessing as we join together in "MY BIBLE STUDY!"

You can also watch the corresponding YouTube videos that go with this Bible Study. I record them on FaceBook Live and load them to YouTube and the audio versions go here.
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